Monday, January 21, 2013

Leave a Comment - Stefan "Twoflower" Gagne's Creative Writing Zone

20 01 2013

New readers ? welcome! This blog is where I set up feedback threads for the latest draft story in progress. Right now I?m up to story #7. You should probably?start at story #1, though.

Current readers ? Here?s the big finale. Well, some bridging scenes, THEN the big finale.

Technically this is about two weeks of small updates rolled into one large update. I asked on my Twitter/FB whether my readers wanted it all in one go and then an empty week after, or spread out over two weeks. As proof that these are vital issues of import in your lives, a whole two people replied. I ended up flipping a coin. If it came up tails and you wanted heads, well, you?ll somehow have to carry on despite this mighty burden.

One thing I definitely would like to hear from you guys on is the upcoming Kickstarter, launching early March. I wanna make sure this is appealin? to you. Prior post I asked for some feedback on it but got nada, so lemme entice you with more details. Here?s the backer level / tier reward scheme I?ve got in mind. Keep in mind each tier includes all previous tiers, so for example, $25 has Wallpaper + eBook + VIP, etc.

$1 Desktop Wallpaper
$15 CoA eBook
$25 VIP Club Membership
$40 Paper CoA Character Bookmark (mailed to you)
$50 CoA Print Book (add $15 for international shipping)
$75 All anachronauts eBooks
$100 CoA Autographed Print Book (don?t get 2 books, I just sign your book)
$200 I write a CoA short story based on your idea
$400 Co-publisher?s credit

Look good? Price points okay? (Note the print book costs a minimum of $10 to make and ship, so I have to tier it high, but.) Any other things you?d be interested in getting as a reward?

And lest I misdirect, I also would love some feedback on the finale of 007. So, this blog post works for postin? up those thoughts too. Thanks for your help!

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