Monday, December 31, 2012

NFL Playoff Schedule 2013: Complete 2011 NFL TV Playoff Schedule

With the 2012-2013 NFL regular season now over, football fans are looking forward to the 2013 NFL playoffs. The NFL Wild Card 2013 schedule has been set, the first step on the way to the 2011 Super Bowl.?

Here is the complete NFL playoff schedule 2013 including a 2013 NFL TV Playoff Schedule:

2013 NFL Wild-Card Round

Saturday, January 5, 2013
Cincinnati Bengals at Houston Texans 4:30 p.m. ET (NBC)
Minnesota Vikings at Green Bay Packers 8 p.m. ET (NBC)
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Indianapolis Colts at Baltimore Ravens 1 p.m. ET (CBS)
Seattle Seahawks at Washington/Dallas 4:30 p.m. ET (FOX)
The NFL also released its schedule for Divisional games that will be played the following week:

Saturday, January 12
Bengals/ Colts/ Bengals at Denver Broncos 4:30 p.m. ET (CBS)
Packers/ Redskins/ Cowboys/ Seahawks at San Francisco 49ers 8 p.m. ET (FOX)

Sunday, January 13

Redskins/ Cowboys/ Seahawks/ Vikings at Atlanta Falcons 1 p.m. ET (FOX)
Texans/ Ravens/ Colts at New England Patriots 4:30 p.m. ET (CBS)


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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Philippine president secretly signs contraceptives law

Valte said the passage of the law ?closes a highly divisive chapter of our history? and ?opens the possibility of cooperation and reconciliation? among those who oppose and support the ?Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012.?

One of the most outspoken opponents of the legislation while it was still being debated in Congress, retired Archbishop Oscar Cruz, said Aquino is dividing the country while adopting a ?first world country value system.? He warned that the law will be followed by the passage of a divorce bill and same-sex marriage, both strongly opposed by the Church.

Cruz, a former president of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines, criticized the secret signing of the law despite the presidential certification that it was an urgent measure.

?What is that? He is either ashamed of it or he is afraid of the repercussion of that bill,? Cruz said.

?My first objection there is why don?t you call a spade a spade? Why do you have to call it ?reproductive health?? Come on. That is population-control legislation,? he said. ?From the onset there is already deception.?

He said responsible parenthood as taught by the church entails using only natural family planning methods. Providing artificial contraceptives will ?separate pleasure from the hardship? of bringing up a family.

?This government has now entered the bedroom bringing with it the condom and the pill.... That is very irresponsible,? Cruz said.

He said a Catholic group is planning to question the law at the Supreme Court.

Women?s groups and other supporters of the law have praised Aquino for pushing its passage within the first half of his six-year term after the measure languished in Congress for 13 years largely because legislators were reluctant to pass it because of the strong opposition of the Catholic Church.

The Aquino administration ?should be commended for its political will to see this law through,? said Carlos Conde, Asia Researcher for the U.S.-based Human Rights Watch.

Conde said the law ?will advance human rights in the Philippines, particularly of women and mothers? and empower them to make their own decisions over their health and family life. ?It gives a clear mandate to the government to make reproductive health services readily available and, because of that, the law can save many lives,? he said.

In about a dozen provisions, the 24-page law repeatedly reminds that abortion drugs are banned, but it requires health workers to provide care for those who have complications arising from illegal abortions.

Under the law, the government will hire more village health workers who will distribute contraceptives, especially to the poor, and provide instructions on natural family planning methods that the Church approves.

The government will also train teachers who will provide age- and development-appropriate reproductive health education to adolescents ? youth age 10 to 19 years old. This will include information on protection against discrimination and sexual abuse and violence against women and children, teen pregnancy, and women?s and children?s rights.

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Nobel laureate Rita Levi-Montalcini passes away in Rome

Rita Levi-Montalcini, a biologist who conducted underground research in defiance of Fascist persecution and went on to win a Nobel Prize for helping unlock the mysteries of the cell, died at her home in Rome on Sunday. She was 103 and had worked well into her final years.

Rome Mayor Gianni Alemanno, announcing her death in a statement, called it a great loss "for all of humanity." He praised her as someone who represented "civic conscience, culture and the spirit of research of our time."

Italy's so-called "Lady of the Cells," a Jew who lived through anti-Semitic discrimination and the Nazi invasion, became one of her country's leading scientists and shared the Nobel medicine prize in 1986 with American biochemist Stanley Cohen for their groundbreaking research carried out in the United States.

Her research increased the understanding of many conditions, including tumors, developmental malformations, and senile dementia.

Italy honored Levi-Montalcini in 2001 by making her a senator-for-life.

A petite woman with upswept white hair, she kept an intensive work schedule well into old age. "At 100, I have a mind that is superior- thanks to experience- than when I was 20," she said in 2009.

"A beacon of life is extinguished" with her death, said a niece, Piera Levi-Montalcini, who is a city councilwoman in Turin.

She told the Turin daily newspaper La Stampa that her aunt passed away peacefully "as if sleeping" after lunch and that the scientist had kept up her research studies several hours a day "right up until the end."

Levi-Montalcini was born April 22, 1909, to a Jewish family in the northern city of Turin. At age 20 she overcame her father's objections that women should not study and obtained a degree in medicine and surgery from Turin University in 1936.

She studied under top anatomist Giuseppe Levi, whom she often credited for her own success and for that of two fellow students and close friends, Salvador Luria and Renato Dulbecco, who also became separate Nobel Prize winners. Levi and Levi-Montalcini were not related.

After graduating, Levi-Montalcini began working as a research assistant in neurobiology but lost her job in 1938 when Italy's Fascist regime passed laws barring Jews from universities and major professions.

Her family decided to stay in Italy and, as World War II neared, Levi-Montalcini created a makeshift lab in her bedroom where she began studying the development of chicken embryos, which would later lead to her major discovery of mechanisms that regulate growth of cells and organs.

With eggs becoming a rarity due to the war, the young scientist biked around the countryside to buy them from farmers. She was soon joined in her secret research by Levi, her university mentor, who was also Jewish and who became her assistant.

"She worked in primitive conditions," Italian astrophysicist Margherita Hack told Sky TG24 TV in a tribute to her fellow scientist. "She is really someone to be admired."

Italy's premier, Mario Monti, paid tribute to Levi-Montalcini's "charismatic and tenacious" character and for her lifelong battle to "defend the battles in which she believed."


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David Brooks: Fiscal Cliff Blame Should Largely Go To Republicans

New York Times columnist David Brooks said Sunday that Republicans should shoulder most of the blame if lawmakers do not reach an agreement on the fiscal cliff ahead of Tuesday's deadline.

"What's happening in Washington right now is pathetic. When you think about what the revolutionary generation did, what the civil war generation did, what the World War II generation did -- we're asking not to bankrupt our children and we've got a shambolic, dysfunctional process," Brooks said during an appearance on NBC's "Meet the Press."

"Most of the blame still has to go to the Republicans," he continued. "They've had a brain freeze since the election. They have no strategy. They don't know what they want. They haven't decided what they want."

Brooks' comments echoed a similar assessment from President Obama, who sat down with "Meet the Press" for an interview that aired Sunday morning.

"We have been talking to the Republicans ever since the election was over. They have had trouble saying yes to a number of repeated offers," Obama said. "[S]o far, at least, Congress has not been able to get this stuff done. Not because Democrats in Congress don't want to go ahead and cooperate, but because I think it's been very hard for Speaker Boehner and Republican Leader McConnell to accept the fact that taxes on the wealthiest Americans should go up a little bit, as part of an overall deficit reduction package."

But Brooks also reserved some of his criticism for the president, stating that Obama has at times "governed like a visitor from a morally superior civilization," appearing to undermine the very point he'd made about the value of the high moral fiber of previous generations just seconds earlier.

"He comes in here and he'll talk to [John] Boehner, he won't talk to the other Republicans," Brooks said. "He hasn't built the trust. Boehner actually made a pretty serious concession, $800 billion in tax revenues, probably willing to go up on rates. But the trust wasn't there. If the president wants to get stuff done over the next four years, it's got to be about a lot more than just making the intellectual concessions."

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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Study Claims Online Voter Registration Contributed ?Significantly? To Higher Youth Registration

3003337804_c01d490152 (1)California's experiment in fully online voter registration appears to have been a success. "Online registration contributed significantly to an increase in 2012 youth registrants and modestly to overall increases in general registration rates," claims a University of California, Davis, study of the 2012 election, which finds that online voting boosted youth registration an entire percent (10.1 percent to 11.1 percent) in its short one-month existence prior to the election [PDF].


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Confidentiality instructions under attack by the NLRB and EEOC ...

by Jessica Satriano, Esq.

On July 30, 2012, in the Banner Health System case, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), issued a decision holding that a hospital violated Section 8(a)(1) of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) by asking employees who had filed a complaint not to discuss it with co-workers while the investigation was pending.

Shortly after, in a different case, the Buffalo regional office of the EEOC took a similar position: That a confidentiality instruction to an employee making a discrimination complaint would constitute unlawful interference with the employee?s efforts to oppose discrimination.

The EEOC view

EEOC guidance states that complaining about discrimination or harassment to anyone?including management, union officials, other employees or even reporters?is protected opposition.?An employer that tries to stop an employee from talking with others about alleged discrimination or harassment is vio...(register to read more)

To read the rest of this article you must first register with your email address.


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Ouya developer kits are shipping, $99 Android game console ...

The makers of the Ouya video game console have started shipping developer kits to folks who paid $699 or more during the team?s successful Kickstarter campaign. The company plans to start shipping Ouya units to customers early in 2013, with the video game console selling for about $99 plus shipping.


SlashGear reports the first units should begin arriving this week.

The Ouya game console is a small box with an NVIDIA Tegra 3 quad-core processor, 1GB of RAM, 8GB of storage, WiFi, Bluetooth, a USB 2.0 ports, Ethernet, and HDMI ports.

It runs Google Android software, but it?s not a phone or a tablet. Instead the Ouya console is designed to be plugged into your television so you can play games on the big screen. It also includes a wireless game controller, a game store, and more.

The developer consoles come with two controllers ? but their main appeal is that they?re shipping a few months ahead of the final units, which should give game developers (or serious enthusiasts) a chance to try out the device before it?s available to the general public, and adapt games to run on the platform.

While there?s no shortage of video game consoles for the living room, the developers of the Ouya project want to lower the barriers to entry for independent game developers. Basically, if you can create a game that runs on Android, it can run on Ouya ? you don?t need to go through the hassle of signing with a game publisher, packaging the title on a disc and distributing it to game stores.

On the other hand, the Ouya is expected to ship to regular customers in early 2013 with hardware that was state of the art in early 2012. While you can still write some pretty nifty games for the Tegra 3 processor, Samsung and Qualcomm are already offering mobile processors with significantly more graphics power, and NVIDIA is expected to launch a Tegra 4 chip soon.

Will the Ouya feel dated by the time it finally arrives? Then again? with a $99 price tag, does it really matter?

via SlashGear and Ouya Forum

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  • Game formatDownloadable
  • Drive capacity8 GB
  • Controller typeWireless
  • Video outputsHDMI
  • Announced07/10/2012
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Friday, December 28, 2012

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Most Popular Diets of 2012

Michael Phelps' 12,000-calorie-a-day training diet and Beyonce's maple syrup cleanse may top Google's list of the 10 most-searched diets of 2012, but the popular website Diets in found that when people want to get serious about weight loss, ?
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Charities Got Fewer but Bigger Online Gifts Last Week - Prospecting ...

The number of gifts people are making online slowed last week for the second time in a row, compared with this time a year ago, but because donors are giving much larger average gifts, charities are barely feeling a decline in donations.

The number of gifts fell 12 percent last week, following a decline of 6 percent in the second week of December.

Still, the total dollar value of online gifts dropped by less than 1 percent last week because the average online gift rose to $149.21, up from $131.92 in the same week of 2011.

Those figures, based on donations to 8,700 charities that accept donations through the nonprofit group Network for Good, come after a promising start?to the giving season last month and in initial days of December. The increases were triggered in part by the number of appeals for Superstorm Sandy and #GivingTuesday, an effort to increase charitable giving after Thanksgiving.

The lackluster fundraising returns in online giving this month seem to mirror the sluggish pace of holiday sales, which retailers say may be the worst since 2008.

But fundraising experts caution not to take too much from online-giving patterns because those gifts are a small percentage of what many charities raise.

What?s more, not all donations are suffering. Many donors are making large contributions this year because of fears that Congress won?t come to a deal on the fiscal cliff, allowing taxes to rise, and concerns that legislators could limit write-offs for charitable deductions next year.

Tell us what you?re seeing in the total value of donations your charity is raising in the last crucial days of the fundraising season.

See our interactive graphic to track year-end online giving by day.


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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Wall Street falls as senator sees "fiscal cliff" fall

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Stocks declined on Thursday after the leader of Senate Democrats warned the United States appeared headed over the "fiscal cliff" and data showed consumer confidence fell to a four-month low.

With only a few days left before devastating tax hikes and spending cuts go into effect, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said about the fiscal cliff, "It looks like where we're headed."

Reid criticized Republicans for refusing to go along with any tax increases as part of a compromise solution with Democrats to avoid the fiscal cliff, which economists warn will knock the economy into recession.

President Barack Obama was flying back to Washington from a Christmas holiday to push for more talks, while the top Republican in Congress planned to speak with House lawmakers to avoid the year-end deadline. Still, gaps remained between the two sides.

The benchmark S&P 500 index is on track for its fourth straight decline and is down 2 percent as negotiations over the budget crisis stalled. A four-day decline would mark the longest losing streak for the index in three months.

The Conference Board, an industry group, said its index of consumer attitudes in December fell to 65.1 as the budget crisis took the steam out of a growing sense of optimism about the economy. The gauge fell more than expected from a downwardly revised 71.5 in November.

Initial claims for unemployment benefits dropped 12,000 to a seasonally adjusted 350,000 last week and the four-week moving average fell to the lowest since March 2008.

"Unfortunately, a term all of us are sick of hearing - the fiscal cliff - appears to be dominating all aspects of the financial market and consumer confidence," said Joe Heider, principal at Rehmann Financial in Cleveland Ohio.

"What has happened here is even though the consumer confidence number had a sharp decline, most people write it off as a result of what is happening in Washington rather than economic reality that is occurring in people's everyday lives."

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner announced the first of a series of measures that should push back the government's debt ceiling by around two months.

The Dow Jones industrial average <.dji> dropped 77.41 points, or 0.59 percent, to 13,037.18. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index <.spx> lost 9.71 points, or 0.68 percent, to 1,410.12. The Nasdaq Composite Index <.ixic> fell 18.36 points, or 0.61 percent, to 2,971.80.

Marvell Technology Group fell 3.4 percent to $7.15 after it said it would seek to overturn a jury's finding of patent infringement. The stock had fallen more than 10 percent in the prior session after a federal jury found the company infringed two patents held by Carnegie Mellon University and ordered the chipmaker to pay $1.17 billion in damages.

The PHLX semiconductor index <.sox> lost 0.7 percent.

(Reporting by Chuck Mikolajczak; Editing by Kenneth Barry)


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Nokia Lumia 920?s fascinating Christmas sets stage for battle with BlackBerry 10

Nokia Lumia 920 SalesNokia Lumia 920

The Chinese version of Nokia?s (NOK) new flagship Windows Phone model recently debuted in Shanghai. According to pictures posted to Chinese websites, the Lumia 920T drew a big crowd? and sold out in two hours. So the debate over whether there is wide mass market demand for the model rages on.

[More from BGR: Microsoft Surface trampled at the bottom of the tablet pile this Christmas]

The very limited early supply makes it hard to gauge the demand in China. The Lumia 920 did hit Amazon China?s (AMZN) top-five list?a week ago, but sold out quickly and dropped out. There are now rumors about China Mobile planning to further subsidize the Lumia 920T in January, making it effectively free on contract. This would be China Mobile?s revenge on Apple (AAPL) for its refusal to cut a sweetheart deal with the giant carrier and its 700 million subscribers.

[More from BGR: Purported photo of new BlackBerry phone with QWERTY keyboard leaks]

Nokia may thus be close to landing the Chinese version of the role that Motorola played for Verizon (VZ) in 2010. Back then, the U.S. carrier used DROID models to flaunt the fact that it did not really need the iPhone as badly as many assumed.

China Mobile is now planning to show Apple it can turn even Windows Phones into mass-market hits in China with its marketing and subsidy machine. This could be great for Nokia ? if Apple isn?t forced into a cutting a quick deal in coming months. The iPhone?s ho-hum market share performance in markets like Latin America and Asia is piling pressure on Apple right about now.

In a fascinating U.S. twist, the Lumia 920?climbed the Amazon charts again over the past week as its supply has improved. The black variant of the Lumia 920 debuted in the top-three in November, dropped out of top-40 after Amazon?s delivery time stretched to two weeks? and has now staged a comeback to No.14. This makes it the second-biggest AT&T (T) phone on Amazon right now, with only the blue version of the Galaxy S III outperforming the 920.

The Lumia 822 is fizzling badly at Verizon, but Nokia just might be gaining a toehold at AT&T even after the pre-Christmas supply drama. It is now clear that the Lumia 920 is beating its biggest Windows rival, the HTC Windows Phone 8X, convincingly at AT&T.

This sets up a very interesting rivalry when AT&T debuts the new generation of BlackBerry 10 models sometime in February or March. The battle for the third mobile ecosystem at AT&T will be effectively waged by Nokia and RIM (RIMM) this spring. The loser may well find out that it does not have strong subsidy or marketing support in 2013.

AT&T has an incentive to build up a third rival for the Apple and Android ecosystems, but it has little reason to support both minor operating systems.

This article was originally published by BGR


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No deal in sight as deadline for fiscal deal nears

President Barack Obama waves as he boards Air Force One to return to Washington, at Honolulu Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam in Honolulu, after spending Christmas with his family in Hawaii, Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

President Barack Obama waves as he boards Air Force One to return to Washington, at Honolulu Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam in Honolulu, after spending Christmas with his family in Hawaii, Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama arrive to visit with members of the military and their families in Anderson Hall at Marine Corp Base Hawaii, Tuesday, Dec. 25, 2012, in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. The first family is in Hawaii for a family holiday vacation. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

President Barack Obama waves from the window of his motorcade vehicle as he returns from golf and a walk on the beach with his family at Marine Corp Base Hawaii, in Kailua, Hawaii, Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2012. The president and the first family are in Hawaii for a family holiday vacation. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

President Barack Obama waves to base peronnel before boarding Air Force One to return to Washington, at Honolulu Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam in Honolulu, after spending Christmas with his family in Hawaii, Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

President Barack Obama greets base visitors and personnel before boarding Air Force One to return to Washington, at Honolulu Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam in Honolulu, after spending Christmas with his family in Hawaii, Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

(AP) ? Lawmakers are engaged in a playground game of "who goes first," daring each political party to let the year end without resolving a Jan. 1 confluence of higher taxes and deep spending cuts that could rattle a recovering, but-still-fragile economy.

President Barack Obama returns from Hawaii Thursday to this increasingly familiar deadline showdown in the nation's capital, with even a stopgap solution now in doubt.

Adding to the mix of developments pushing toward a "fiscal cliff," Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner informed Congress on Wednesday that the government was on track to hit its borrowing limit on Monday and that he would take "extraordinary measures as authorized by law" to postpone a government default.

Still, he added, uncertainty over the outcome of negotiations over taxes and spending made it difficult to determine how much time those measures would buy.

In recent days, Obama's aides have been consulting with Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid's office, but Republicans have not been part of the discussions, suggesting much still needs to be done if a deal, even a small one, were to be struck and passed through Congress by Monday.

At stake are current tax rates that expire on Dec. 31 and revert to the higher rates in place during the administration of President Bill Clinton. All in all, that means $536 billion in tax increases that would touching nearly all Americans. Moreover, the military and other federal departments would have to cut $110 billion in spending.

But while economists have warned about the economic impact of tax hikes and spending cuts of that magnitude, both sides appear to be proceeding as if they have more than just four days left. Indeed, Congress could still act in January in time to retroactively counter the effect on most taxpayers and government agencies, but chances for a large deficit reduction package would likely be put off.

House Republican leaders on Wednesday said they remain ready to negotiate, but urged the Senate to consider or amend a House-passed bill that extends all existing tax rates. In a statement, the leaders said the House would consider whatever the Senate passed. "But the Senate first must act," they said.

Aides said any decision to bring House members back to Washington would be driven by what the Senate does.

Reid's office responded shortly after, insisting that the House act on Senate legislation passed in July that would raise tax rates only on incomes above $200,000 for individuals and $250,000 for couples.

Meanwhile, Obama has been pushing for a variant of that Senate bill that would include an extension of jobless aid and some surgical spending reductions to prevent the steeper and broader spending cuts from kicking in.

For the Senate to act, it would require a commitment from Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell not to demand a 60-vote margin to consider the legislation on the Senate floor. McConnell's office says it's too early to make such an assessment because Obama's plan is unclear on whether extended benefits for the unemployed would be paid for with cuts in other programs or on how it would deal with an expiring estate tax, among other issues.

What's more, House Speaker John Boehner would have to let the bill get to the House floor for a vote. Given the calendar, chances of accomplishing that by Dec. 31 were becoming a long shot.

Amid the standoff, Geithner advised Congress on Wednesday that the administration will begin taking action to prevent the government from hitting its borrowing limit. In a letter to congressional leaders, Geithner said accounting measures could save approximately $200 billion.

That could keep the government from reaching the debt limit for about two months. But if Congress and the White House don't agree on how to avoid the "fiscal cliff," he said, the amount of time before the government hits its borrowing limit is more uncertain.

"If left unresolved, the expiring tax provisions and automatic spending cuts, as well as the attendant delays in filing of tax returns, would have the effect of adding some additional time to the duration of the extraordinary measures," he wrote.

Whenever the debt ceiling hits, however, it is likely to set up yet another deadline for one more budget fight between the White House and congressional Republicans.

Initially, clearing the way for a higher debt ceiling was supposed to be part of a large deal aimed at reducing deficits by more than $2 trillion over 10 years with a mix of tax increases and spending cuts, including reductions in health programs like Medicare. But chances for that bargain fizzled last week when conservatives sank Boehner's legislation to only let tax increases affect taxpayers with earnings of $1 million or more.

Obama and his aides have said they would refuse to let Republicans leverage spending cuts in return for raising the debt ceiling. But Republicans say the threat of voting against an increase in the limit is one of the best ways to win deficit reduction measures.

Another potential showdown is pending. A renewed clash over spending could come in late March; spending authority for much of the government expires on March 27.


Follow Jim Kuhnhenn on Twitter:

Associated Press


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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Miathan rp trying to expand on this plot

Nexes finally spoke I attended a gathering of the elder races held by Miathan ! In that meeting we talked and it was decided that Miathan would step back and turn the leading of man over to us the gods while he would keep the old powers from causing to much trouble for us the main representatives of the fey the elves,dwarves and giants said they would support us !The dragons have not yet decided. the Demons were against it from the start but the emperor of their race was distant and he remained silent the ones who spoke were the leaders of the three main factions !

so as it is we will be watched by him and he will only step in as needed!


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Expert Advice on Reinventing Your Professional Career | Business ...

Rare is the person today who earns a degree, is hired by a big company, and works there for the entirety of his or her career. According to data collected by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, people change jobs around 11 times over their working lifetime. It is not unusual today for workers in their 30s or 40s to go back to school and change professions altogether. spoke with Amy Hannington, editor of, about reinventing a professional career, and where to start when making that change.

Q. The progress report by the Independent Reviewer on Social Mobility and Child Poverty states that in the UK, having a job in ?the professions? ? forms of work requiring training and formal qualification ? is a key to social mobility. Yet many people can feel overwhelmed at the prospect of, say, giving up their hourly job and going back to school to train for a professional career. How can a person decide if it?s finally time to take that big step?

A. Yes it is true that being a professional involves training and qualifications. However, luckily, there are many other ways of taking ?that big step? without having to give up your paid work. Many professional bodies offer qualifications that can be studied for on a part-time basis, and others will take people on that are working at a lower level and let them train towards professional status while they work. Take a look at? to find out more.?We at are working with professional bodies to encourage more of them to operate in this way, so that it?s not just a select few that are able to train for a professional career.?Fair access to the professions is background to all of our work.

Q. When a professional is downsized out of their job, what is the first step they should take toward finding a new one? Asking for references? Writing a new resume? It?s not easy to know what the next step is in a difficult situation like losing a job.

A. Unfortunately, in recent years, many people have been through experiences like this. First of all, it?s important to make sure that before this stage, you make sure you are part of a professional body or union. Also ensure that you are up to date in your profession and have proof of your achievements. If it does come to someone losing their position, then yes I would certainly recommend making sure that person gets references before beginning to work on updating their CV and looking for work. Networking with others in their field via social media and professional body events and the like is a great way to find new work.

Q. When making a career change, how can a person draw on their work experience and bring it into an entirely new profession?

A. In today?s job market, it is becoming more and more accepted that the majority of people out there have a diverse range of work experience from different fields. There are transferable skills in whatever kind of work experience a person has, but it?s important to give clear examples rather than talk vaguely about communication skills and so on. For example, if someone has taught English to children in Thailand, they have experience not only of teaching (for a career in teaching back home) but of working with children (maybe they fancy trying some youth work), linguistics (perhaps getting trained up as a translator), or leading activities (which might be useful for project management). You can see how those looking for work in a new field need to break down their experiences according to the most important skills for the profession they are aiming for.

Q. If a person is part of a professional organization, such as the American Bar Association or the Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers, what can he or she do to encourage young people to invest the effort and money required to become qualified for a profession, particularly with the cost of college so high?

A. Almost all professional bodies offer student subscriptions ? check out our Profession Finder to see specific examples. The requirements for student or associate members are also far less than those for full members, and professional bodies will support young people to work their way up the ladder, with the help of mentors, ?online resources and much more. Most professional bodies are incredibly proud of their younger members and will publish their stories of success widely.

Q. What are some signs that it may be time for a different career altogether? It?s tough in today?s economy to give up any paying job, but sometimes a career just isn?t a good fit. What are some signs that it may be time for a different career?

A. Although everyone has their bad days, it is important that people generally enjoy their jobs and find them rewarding. What this involves is different for everyone. I think gut feelings play a big part here, but sitting down and writing a list of pros and cons of your current career is not a bad idea if you?re feeling unsure. Sometimes, it might be that a change of employer, or going self-employed, is a better move for you than a change of profession. However, if you do feel that you?re just in the wrong field, you shouldn?t feel scared ? plenty of people are changing careers at many different times in their lives and there?s lots of support out there. The best people to turn to in this situation are the experts in your field (current or prospective) ? the professional bodies!

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Photo Credit: City of Marietta, GA



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NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Just over one in 12 U.S. service members who died in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars had plaque buildup in the arteries around their hearts - an early sign of heart disease, according to a new study. None of them had been diagnosed with heart disease before deployment, researchers said. "This is a young, healthy, fit group," said the study's lead author, Dr. Bryant Webber, from the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Maryland. "These are people who are asymptomatic, they feel fine, they're deployed into combat," he told Reuters Health. ...


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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Rondo leads Celtics past Nets 93-76

NEW YORK (AP) ? Rajon Rondo scored 19 points in his first full game against Brooklyn this season, and the Boston Celtics beat the Nets 93-76 on Tuesday in another game with some heated moments between the division rivals.

Rondo, sidelined in the first meeting and thrown out of the second after shoving Nets forward Kris Humphries into the courtside seats, outplayed counterpart Deron Williams and helped the Celtics take control early.

Rookie Jared Sullinger tied a career high with 16 points and Jeff Green had 15 for the Celtics (14-13), who avoided falling under .500 with just their second victory in six games.

Gerald Wallace and Brook Lopez each scored 15 for the Nets, who have lost four of five.

The Celtics took control with a 23-5 run in the second quarter. They had 11 assists on 13 baskets and outscored the Nets 34-18 in the period.

A month after the teams scuffled in Boston, there was another skirmish in the fourth quarter that resulted in four technical fouls, but that was the most fight the Nets put up in a disappointing performance on the national stage of the Christmas opener. They were never in the game after the first 20 minutes, and their fans headed to the exits with under 2 minutes left as a "Let's go Celtics!" chant broke out.

Williams had only 10 points on 3-of-7 shooting and Joe Johnson, his partner in a high-priced backcourt, shot 4 of 14 for his 12 points.

Boston's Kevin Garnett had eight points and 10 rebounds on the day he tied Charles Oakley for 15th place on the NBA's career list with his 1,282nd game. He was also front and center when things got testy.

Wallace was fouled with 9:31 remaining and appeared to hold onto Garnett's uniform to balance himself and not fall. But Garnett objected to how long Wallace hung on, and they said something to each other as they tried to push themselves free. That led to technical fouls on the two, along with Andray Blatche and Courtney Lee.

Sullinger delivered a flagrant foul on Wallace a few minutes later, but there was nothing further.

In the Nets' Nov. 28 victory in Boston, Rondo, Humphries and Wallace were ejected.

It was the second quarter of that game where things got away from the Celtics, and Rondo's frustrations soon followed. He shoved Humphries after the Nets forward fouled Garnett, ruining the point guard's chance to extend what was then a 37-game streak with double digit assists by finishing with three. He had five assists and six rebounds Tuesday.

This time, the second period belonged to the guys in green.

With the Celtics down three, Green had six points in a 10-0 run that made it 36-29. After Johnson's basket, Boston answered with a 13-3 spurt. Jason Terry made a 3-pointer before Rondo converted a three-point play to push the Celtics' lead to 49-34 with 3:56 to go.

Notes: As with everyone playing on Christmas, players, coaches and referees wore green ribbons in tribute to the families of Sandy Hook Elementary School. ... Humphries was out with an abdominal strain and will be re-evaluated after the Nets return from Milwaukee. He had mostly been a starter but then didn't play at all Sunday against Philadelphia. ... Feeling Avery Bradley isn't ready yet, Celtics coach Doc Rivers decided not to bring the guard on this four-game road trip so he can continue working his way back from shoulder surgery in Boston. Rivers said the shoulder is strong but that Bradley has had only 2? practices.


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by Jimmy

References and Bibliography

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Credit Card Debt Management | Small Business Plans and Ideas

December 24th, 2012 by admin Leave a reply ?

Credit Card Debt Management ImageCredit cards that are used in moderation could be helpful in managing your finances. This means that splurging through the use of credit cards is almost financial suicide.

Here are few tips to manage the way you use your credit card to prevent you from acquiring debts that could lead to your financial death (excuse the pun).

1) Planning. Before purchasing any product using your credit card, make sure to provide yourself with a plan on how you will be able to pay for your credit card bills. Prioritize your needs before your wants. Purchasing grand items that you don?t really need might give you that temporary high that impulsive buyers are addicted to. But that temporary high would eventually turn to long-term down feeling due to your piled up debts.

2) Limit. For you to be able to manage your debts and payments, never go overboard when it comes to your credit limit. If it?s possible, it will help a lot if you just use about two-thirds of your limit.

3) Statement of account. Keep a record of all your credit card transactions for future reference. In order to prevent inaccuracies of bills and fraud, always remember to check the list of your purchase for the month. If your list and the statement of account do not match, report this to your bank.

4) Piled up debt remedies. There are a number of steps you have to do in order to escape these financial problems.

- Determine the amount you need to pay and provide yourself with a plan that would fix your finances without pressure.

- Consider paying the minimum amount to be paid. Then, ask for debt consolidation options that would make it a lot easier for you to pay your debts. If you don?t know how to solve your financial problems, there are financial advisers that could help you with your credit card management. They might offer you financial assistance through bank loans that would allow you more time to pay aside from the debt consolidation method. But of course, remember to research on the agency before getting involved with them. Don?t just go saying amen to whatever they offer since there is a possibility that they could cause the situation to aggravate.

Self-control is the best way to prevent getting debts that you won?t be able to pay immediately. But if you?re already in the pits, considering the abovementioned suggestions won?t hurt.


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Sacks of potatoes stand in for humans in Boeing's in-air Wi-Fi tests

18 hrs.

CHICAGO (AP) -?If the wireless Internet connection during your holiday flight seems more reliable than it used to, you could have the humble potato to thank.?

While major airlines offer in-flight Wi-Fi on many flights, the signal strength can be spotty. Airlines and aircraft makers have been striving to improve this with the growing use of wireless devices and the number of people who don't want to be disconnected, even 35,000 feet up.?

"That's where potatoes come into the picture," Boeing spokesman Adam Tischler said.?Engineers at Chicago-based Boeing Co. used sacks of potatoes as stand-ins for passengers as they worked to eliminate weak spots in in-flight wireless signals. They needed full planes to get accurate results during signal testing, but they couldn't ask people to sit motionless for days while data was gathered.?

It turns out that potatoes ? because of their water content and chemistry ? absorb and reflect radio wave signals much the same way as the human body does, making them suitable substitutes for airline passengers.?

"It's a testament to the ingenuity of these engineers. They didn't go in with potatoes as the plan," Tischler said.?

Recapping the serendipitous path that led to better onboard wireless, Tischler said a member of the research team stumbled across an article in the Journal of Food Science describing research in which 15 vegetables and fruits were evaluated for their dielectric properties, or the way they transmit electric force without conduction.?

Its conclusions led the Boeing researchers to wonder if potatoes might serve just as well as humans during their own signal testing. Despite some skepticism, they ended up buying 20,000 pounds of them.?

Video and photos of the work, which started in 2006, show a decommissioned airplane loaded with row upon row of potato sacks that look like large, lumpy passengers. The sacks sit eerily still in the seats as the engineers collect data on the strength of wireless signals in various spots.?

The Boeing engineers added some complicated statistical analysis and the result was a proprietary system for fine tuning Internet signals so they would be strong and reliable wherever a laptop was used on a plane.?

Boeing says the system also ensures Wi-Fi signals won't interfere with the plane's sensitive navigation and communications equipment.?

"From a safety standpoint, you want to know what the peak signals are, what's the strongest signal one of our communications and navigation systems might see from a laptop or 150 laptops or 350 laptops," Boeing engineer Dennis Lewis explains in a video.?

In a nod to the humor in using a tuber to solve a high-tech problem, researchers dubbed the project Synthetic Personnel Using Dialectic Substitution, or SPUDS.?

The company says better Wi-Fi signals can be found already on three Boeing aircraft models flown by major airlines: 777, 747-8 and the 787 Dreamliner.

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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What is the best student accident insurance plan for Kinder level in Pennsylvania?


Just kidding. There isn?t any special insurance for kids at school. If you get an umbrella policy on your home with medical premiums included, that will cover your kid at school.


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Monday, December 24, 2012

What a call to courage sounds like: Woody Guthrie?s ?Union Maid? (Americablog)

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Insert Coin: Emukey EK1 runs mouse, keyboard macros purely from hardware (video)

In Insert Coin, we look at an exciting new tech project that requires funding before it can hit production. If you'd like to pitch a project, please send us a tip with "Insert Coin" as the subject line.

Insert Coin Emukey EK1 puts mouse, keyboard macros in open hardware video

Software testers don't have it easy these days. While it's been possible for ages to record keyboard and mouse commands as macros, quality assurance teams sometimes can't have any tracking software running -- a real pain when trying to recreate a bug in an online RPG or other input-heavy apps. Emukey's proposed EK1 box could save testers from manual troubleshooting by running those macros from hardware. By taking scripts pushed out from a host Windows PC, the EK1 can run pre-recorded keyboard and mouse instructions on a slave PC without any software interference. The script-based approach makes it easy to reproduce a glitch on other machines by sharing files, and the use of PS/2 peripherals (with USB adapters if needed) prevents lag from skewing the results.

Continue reading Insert Coin: Emukey EK1 runs mouse, keyboard macros purely from hardware (video)

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Source: Emukey (Indiegogo)


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Syria jets kill tens as international envoy visits

EDS NOTE: GRAPHIC CONTENT - This image taken from the Edlib News Network, ENN, which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, shows Syrians removing the bodies of those killed after a government airstrike hit the Hama Suburb of Halfaya, Syria, Sunday, Dec. 23, 2012. A government airstrike on a rebel-held town in central Syria killed tens of people on Sunday, activists said, while the international envoy charged with negotiating an end to the country?s civil war was in Damascus to meet with top officials. (AP Photo/Edlib News Network ENN)

EDS NOTE: GRAPHIC CONTENT - This image taken from the Edlib News Network, ENN, which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, shows Syrians removing the bodies of those killed after a government airstrike hit the Hama Suburb of Halfaya, Syria, Sunday, Dec. 23, 2012. A government airstrike on a rebel-held town in central Syria killed tens of people on Sunday, activists said, while the international envoy charged with negotiating an end to the country?s civil war was in Damascus to meet with top officials. (AP Photo/Edlib News Network ENN)

(AP) ? A government airstrike on a bakery in a rebel-held town in central Syria killed more than 60 people on Sunday, activists said, casting a pall over a visit by the international envoy charged with negotiating an end to the country's civil war.

The strike on the town of Halfaya left scattered bodies and debris up and down a street, and more than a dozen dead and wounded were trapped in tangled heap of dirt and rubble.

The attack appeared to be the government response to a newly announced rebel offensive seeking to drive the Syrian army from a constellation of towns and village north of the central city of Hama. Halfaya was the first of the area's towns to be "liberated" by rebel fighters, and activists saw Sunday's attack as payback.

"Halfaya was the first and biggest victory in the Hama countryside," said Hama activist Mousab Alhamadee via Skype. "That's why the regime is punishing them in this way."

The total death toll remained unclear, but the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said more than 60 people were killed. That number is expected to rise, it said, because some 50 of those wounded in the strike are in critical condition.

Amateur videos posted online Sunday showed residents and armed rebels rushing to the scene. One stopped to cover a mound of human flesh lying in the street with his coat.

More than a dozen dead or seriously wounded people lay in the street near a simple, concrete building, some in puddles of blood. Near its front wall, bodies jutted from a pile of dirt and rubble on the sidewalk.

Rebels screamed in distress while trying to extract the bodies, while others carried away the wounded.

It was unclear from the videos if the building was indeed a bakery. Nearly all the dead and wounded appeared to be men, some wore camouflage, raising the possibility that the jet had targeted a rebel gathering.

For the past week, rebels have been launching attacks in the area, most notably in the nearby village of Morek, where they hope to seize control of the country's main north-south highway, preventing the regime from getting supplies to its forces further north in the provinces of Idlib and Aleppo.

On Saturday, one rebel group threatened to storm two predominantly Christian towns nearby if their residents did not "evict" government troops they said were using them as a base to attack nearby areas.

The activist accounts could not be independently verified due to restrictions on reporting in Syria. The Syrian government does not respond to requests for comment on its military activities.

The attack coincided with the start of a two-day visit by Lakhdar Barhimi, who represents the U.N. And the Arab League, to meet with top Syrian officials.

Brahimi has made little apparent progress toward ending Syria's crisis since assuming his post in September, mostly because the sides appear more interested in fighting it out than in sitting down for talks.

Brahimi did not speak publicly upon arriving in Damascus for a two-day mission, and it was unclear whether he would present new ideas to end the war. His trip appeared troubled from the start.

Instead of flying directly to Syria as he had on previous visits, Brahimi landed in Beirut and traveled to the Syrian capital by land because of fighting near the Damascus airport, Lebanese officials said.

The Lebanese officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief reporters, said Brahimi was expected to meet Syria's foreign minister later Sunday and President Bashar Assad on Monday.

The trip is Brahimi's third since taking the job following the resignation of former U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan after both sides disregarded a cease-fire he brokered in April.

While not advancing a comprehensive peace plan, Brahimi has called on the sides to negotiate a solution.

The security situation has gotten notably worse for the regime since his last visit, with rebels storming a number of military bases and seizing valuable munitions. Russia, Assad's most powerful international backer, also appears to have changed his assessment of Assad's strength, as top officials say they do not seek to preserve his regime, while still calling for a negotiated solution.

Still, neither side appears willing to talk.

In a lengthy Sunday news conference, Syrian Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi repeated the Syrian government's line that it is fighting terrorist groups backed by foreign powers who seek to destroy Syria.

Al-Zoubi said the government was willing to engage in dialogue but said the other side wasn't.

"We speak of dialogue with those who believe in national dialogue," he said. "But those who rejected dialogue in their statements and called for arms and use of weapons, that's a different issue. They don't want dialogue."

Rebel groups refuse to talk to Assad, saying too many people have died for him to be considered part of the solution.

Violence raged elsewhere in the country on Sunday. Anti-regime activists reported government airstrikes on suburbs east of the capital and the northern province of Aleppo.

Airstrikes on the town of al-Safira, south of Aleppo, killed 13 people, including a mother and five daughters from one family, a local activist named Hussein said via Skype. He gave only his first name for fear of retribution.

The town lies next to a large military complex with factories and artillery and air defense bases. Hussein guessed the airstrike was payback for recent rebel attacks on the complex.

"The strikes don't hit the fighters at all," he said. "They want to take revenge on the civilians."

The Observatory said at least 10 rebels and an unknown number of government troops were killed in clashes in Afreen, near Aleppo, Syria's largest city, as rebels sought to storm an army base there.

Anti-regime activists say more than 40,000 people have been killed since Syria's crisis began in March 2011.


Associated Press writer Albert Aji contributed reporting from Damascus.

Associated Press


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