Saturday, December 15, 2012

Congress Is On Instagram ? Why Isn't Your Nonprofit? | Business 2 ...

What was once a bastion for teens and the tech-savvy to share photos of their?feet at the beach,?food porn?and?tall buildings shot from interesting angles, Instagram has now attracted a new set of users ? politicians.

According to?The Hill?s Twitter Room, Congressmen and women are now jumping on the Instagram bandwagon.


Instagram account for Rep. Steny Hoyer, Maryland

Since being acquired by Facebook in April, the popular photo-sharing site has grown in leaps and bounds.

According to a September comScore report, Instagram now has more active daily visitors on mobile than Twitter!

Many nonprofit organizations that have a visual element (i.e., all of them) still have not heard of Instagram, which is a shame.

The site remains popular due to the absence of ads (but no lack of spam unfortunately) and the pure quality of the site.

Members of Congress use Instagram to:

  • Connect directly with their constituents
  • Show their personality
  • Photographing interesting meetings ? for example, House Speaker John Boehner showing Myanmar?s opposition leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi the view from his balcony
  • Post photos of Washington DC and Capital Hill
  • Showcase photos and events from the Congress person?s home district

Couldn?t your nonprofit use Instagram to do many of these things?

Worth thinking about!

Does your nonprofit use Instagram? If not, why not? If so, post your link in the Comments or on myFacebook Page?and we?ll check you out. Thanks for reading!?


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